Your Home's Water - Essential Business

Girl Drinking Water

The last few months have highlighted the essential parts of our lives in a way that many of us hadn't considered before. When our routines are disrupted so fully and completely, when going to the grocery store becomes a challenge, when money gets tight, or when going to work becomes an impossibility, we notice the things that are temporarily unavailable. We also see the things that remain running throughout, the pieces of our lives that are essential to keep things going. 

 One of those essentials is the quality of your home's water, something you rely on every single day. You need your water to work hard for you and your family, to wash clothes, prepare food, and to clean and disinfect. Now, more than ever, you must have access to high-quality water in your home. Whether you're only now just considering looking into some water treatment options for your household or if you've had equipment installed for years, it's beneficial to remind ourselves of the real advantages that water treatment can bring to our homes. 

Home Water Treatment Saves Money

Even when things seem to be running smoothly, managing money is stressful. But during times of financial uncertainty, the stress of pinching pennies and making sure that every dollar is working extra hard for your household can quickly become unmanageable. While you can start by trimming out the obvious luxuries like ordering food and cutting back on the amount of premium movie streaming services that you forgot you were subscribed to, there are some less obvious, behind the scenes changes that you can make to your home that add up quickly.

 In the world of home water treatment, one of the best cost-savings tactics is having a quality water softener installed and running. Soft water in your home translates to saving money in a lot of ways, including:

  • Save around 75% on bath products per year. Soft water allows your soaps and shampoos to work harder, so you'll use fewer products to achieve the same result!
  • Save around 30% of clothes and linens per year. Soft water is easier on your clothing and works harder at removing stains.
  • Save around 70% on cleaning products per year. Just like the shampoo in your shower, soft water gives cleaning products the ability to work to their fullest.

 Soft water also benefits every one of your water-using appliances in your home, from your washer to your coffee maker. By removing the minerals that make up hard water, your machines will last longer and require fewer repairs or maintenance, saving you money in the long run. 

family playing board gameHome Water Treatment Protects Your Home

Your home is your sanctuary, your castle, and these days, quite literally your fortress of solitude. You work hard to keep it safe and secure from outside forces. When it comes to water treatment, those external forces include a myriad of contaminants that could potentially make their way into your home. 

 The contaminants that you may encounter depends on several factors, including where you live in the country, where your water supply comes from (municipal or private well), and what kind of plumbing fixtures you have throughout your home. The effects of some contaminants are somewhat mild, affecting the taste and color of your water, like tannins, while others have more severe implications for health and wellbeing, like lead and arsenic. 

 Whether you count on the defense of your local municipality's water treatment capabilities or get your water from a private source, it never hurts to know what exactly is in your water. Coordinating with a water treatment professional to get your water tested is the first step in making sure that your home's supply is safe and sound, especially during difficult times when you're forced to rely on it the most. And if elevated levels of contaminants are discovered in your home’s water
supply, there are several filtration solutions to tackle your problem water,
keeping it safe from outside influences. 

Home Water Treatment Gives You Quality Drinking Water

If you're among the 15% of Americans that solely rely on bottled water for drinking (as revealed in a 2019 Harris Poll on behalf of the IBWA), making a trip to the store to replenish your supply during a stay-at-home mandate can be especially tricky. While having a stash of bottled water at home is a good idea for some emergencies, you can get bottled water quality (or better) from your tap with the right equipment. 

 A reverse osmosis system, which installs beneath your sink or in a discrete location, is the ultimate solution for quality drinking water in your home. A reverse osmosis system uses a multi-stage filtration process to scrub water of impurities and contaminants, leaving behind fresh, clean-tasting drinking water that is on par or better than what you can find in a bottle. And best of all, it's available in your home 24/7, giving you peace of mind and taking the worry away from planning that next bottled water run. 

Your Home's Water is Essential Business

WaterCare is committed to producing the highest quality, precision water treatment units on the market that are custom-tailored to your unique water problem. If you're looking to fix your hard water, save money by protecting your appliances, and have your household cleaners and disinfectants work harder around your home, WaterCare's CareSoft Elite and CareSoft Pro lines of softeners are some of the best solutions around. 

If you want to protect your home from outside contaminants, pollutants, and impurities, WaterCare's ONE™ Contaminant Reduction System is certified to remove contaminants like lead, cysts, and PFOA/PFOS chemicals. And if your home needs bottled-quality drinking water at a moment's notice, WaterCare's Clearflo and UltroWater reverse osmosis systems can deliver for pennies on the gallon. 

 Your authorized WaterCare dealer understands that the quality of your home's water is essential business and is dedicated to providing you a solution to your problem water. Whether you're interested in the efficiency and cost savings of a water softener, the iron-clad defense capabilities against impurities and contaminants, or bottled-quality water at a moment's notice, contact your local WaterCare dealer today to discuss your options for a water test and a consultation

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